Process Power Plants
Successful Projects
Experience & Qualifications




Mr. Todd’s experience includes 35 years with GE Co. in Engineering, Marketing and Product Management positions culminating with Business Management responsibility for GE’s Process Power Plants Organization. He was responsible for developing and introducing Combined Cycle and IGCC power plant technology on a worldwide basis.

Gas Turbine and Steam Turbine technology development combined with Gasification Technology Partnerships has led to more than 18 IGCC plants that have operated. Mr. Todd was involved directly with 15 IGCC projects with 7 different gasification technologies.


Doug has a BSChE degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He is a member of AIChE, GTC and CURC technology organizations and has published numerous technical papers for ASME, IChemE, EPRI and GTC.  He received the first European IChemE Medal for Excellence in Gasification in 2002 and the GTC Lifetime Achievement Award for IGCC in 2003.

 2001 - Current - Process Power Plants LLC - President

  • Consulting Contracts with more than 20 Industry and Government Clients focusing on new IGCC technologies and development of projects
  • Clients include Major Electric Utilities, International Oil Companies, Independent Power Producers, EPRI  & US DOE
  • Largest Project - EPRI CoalFleet Initiative - 60 Companies 2004 - Present
    • Member of the IGCC Worldwide Experts Group
    • Coordinator of IGCC Design Guidelines including the User Design Basis Specification w & w/o CCS